About Log4J vulnerabilities and SodiusWillert products

By SodiusWillert | 22/12/2021 | Reading time: 3 min

As some of you already know, a cyber security risk has been found in a piece of software called Log4j.

This widespread software can be found in many applications today and there foremost of our customers are actively cleaning their tool landscape where necessary to eliminate the possibility of any remote code execution (cyber-attacks).

Customers also contact us to ask if our products and the products we sell are safe to keep using as is or if they need to take special action. Below you can find more information about each of the products and links to the necessary actions that might be required to take.

Products that require your immediate action

Products that are vulnerable in specific situations

Products that contain Log4j but not in a web-based form and pose no risk

  • M2M Transformation for Rhapsody
  • RXF V8.00 C++ Cert (but only in a part of the automated test execution that is not necessary for deployment)
  • Older RXF Release V6

Products that do not contain Log4j and pose no risk

If you are required to install any product patches/updates and need access to these files, please contact our Support.

If you would like any additional information, please contact us.

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