Convert SPARX Enterprise Architect models into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models
Convert IBM Rhapsody models into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models
Convert Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models into IBM Rhapsody models
Convert IBM Rational Software Architect models into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models
Convert UNICOM System Architect models into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models
Model-based model-to-model transformation in Rhapsody
Connect ReqIF Compatible Requirements data to your Modeling Environment
UML-based Software Development for AUTOSAR Classic Platform
Unlock the benefits of UML modeling for Software Development
Leverage the full scope of UML for Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems
Simplify UML-based development of certification-ready source code
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Sodius SAS
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