Solutions for Engineering Tools Integration

Today's engineering organizations must rely on sophisticated, specialized tools to master the challenges faced by the engineering disciplines involved in complex systems and software development. SodiusWillert integration add-ons for engineering tools open up the silos between disciplines and enable teams to access and share real-time data across tools, optimize the development process and reduce time to market.

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What is Engineering Tools Integration?

Engineering tools integration enables seamless communication and exchange of native data between multiple dedicated tools.

For example, by integrating the advanced engineering lifecycle tools you are using to manage requirements, changes, and tests, you can create an environment for your Systems and Software teams to improve collaboration across lifecycle disciplines and minimize the risk of gaps and misunderstandings. You will also benefit from a 360° view of your development data, including traceability, coverage, and interdependencies views.

Why organizations need a solution for integrating engineering tools

In any complex development project, experts from different engineering disciplines involved need to collaborate to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings and to catalyze the development process. However, most organizations don't have a sustainable and effective way for cross-functional teams to share data and collaboratively view and access that data.

Attempts to facilitate an integrated process by relying on purely manual efforts, such as handing requirements printouts to system design, or assuming that relevant details will be discussed in regular meetings, may work for small projects with limited scope. For all other projects, engineering teams need a robust integration platform as facilitated by SodiusWillert integration add-ons to ensure that engineering assets are shared across tool boundaries without media disruption and teams collaborate smoothly across their tool silos.

Bridge the gaps between engineering teams

The gap between systems and software engineers can be tough to bridge, especially in larger organizations where roles may be siloed. Each team uses its own tools to complete a specific task. But these tools don't necessarily work together as a whole. When you use SodiusWillert's OSLC Connect products to integrate your requirements, change, and quality management tools, you form a collaborative mesh of tools that enables seamless collaboration across the organization.

Increase agility and helps deliver better products faster

When teams integrate their engineering tools, they become more agile and responsive to changes. Because SodiusWillert OSLC Connectors provide Jira or Confluence users with real-time data integration from any connected repository, organizations are able to recognize and respond to changes and opportunities faster, with greater confidence. Therefore you are able to reduce time-to-market and deliver better products faster.

Realize the full benefit of your tools investment

Our tools integration add-ons allow your teams to maximize the benefit and value gained from your investments in an engineering tool environment. Extend your tools' capabilities to collaborate with other engineering lifecycle tools such as Atlassian Jira, IBM ELM, Siemens Polarion, and more.


Keep using the tools that help you deliver best results

Integrating your tools means enabling your systems and software engineers to create, share, and access real-time data with the tools they need to do their jobs best. When using our integration add-ons, there is no room for error or ignoring information. Requirements engineers can maintain requirements in their chosen tool (IBM DOORS or DOORS Next), while architects continue to rely on their modeling tool and software project managers can maximize their use of Jira.

How SodiusWillert helps integrate your engineering tools

SodiusWillert helps with the integration of engineering tools through various solutions that ensure seamless data flow, interoperability, and collaboration across different tools used in the systems and software development lifecycle. Here are the ways SodiusWillert facilitates engineering tools integration:


Connect Jira with IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management and Siemens Polarion ALM to enable the collection, interpretation, sharing, and exchange of real-time data across your workflows.

Explore OSLC Connect for Jira


Reference and share real-time engineering data from IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management and Siemens Polarion ALM on your Confluence page.


Explore OSLC Connect for Confluence


Aggregate data from your engineering tools (Excel, PDF, Cameo, IBM DOORS, etc.), create traceability, build compliance reports, and perform collaborative multi-tool reviews from a single online platform. 

Explore SECollab


Create bi-directional traceability based on the ReqIF standard between requirements management and UML/SysML modeling.

Explore ReqXChanger

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