Implement Digital Thread and Flexible Review Scenarios with SECollab

SECollab is a powerful aggregation platform for engineering teams looking to implement Digital Thread capabilities. Collect, link, configure, and visualize digital viewpoints for your engineering data. Generate traceability, create compliance reports, and perform collaborative multi-tools reviews. 




Import engineering data and documents from different tools (Excel, PDF, Cameo, IBM DOORS, etc.) into a single online review platform. SECollab's built-in version management enables you to publish documents or model content, including diagrams, to a web-based platform, where configurations are managed as new versions of existing models.


Link and Visualize

Centralize all your engineering data and documents, and link configured data to enable end-to-end traceability. Define the digital viewpoints you need even when applications and files are hosted on your servers and desktops. SECollab lets you visualize the overall relationship between your data, diagrams, and collaboration links.



Configure your versions of data and links into local and global configurations with components, streams, and baselines to conform to market standards. Successive models' versions are published in a configured repository managing streams and baselines. You can publish a new version or update an existing version of any resource set.



Set up reviews across various data sources, documents, and models. Comment on any shared artifact, and link findings to your preferred Change Management System. Define review objectives, contributors, and reading paths to focus reviewers on specific goals. Manage discussion threads in a collaborative approach, internally or across an opening portal to partners/customers.



Create automated traceability reports in SECollab to demonstrate regulatory compliance. By centralizing and cross-domain linking your data, documents, and models, SECollab provides engineering teams with powerful features that help visualization traceability, end-to-end. All necessary evidence of traceability is produced from accurate and real-time records.



Integrate SECollab in your digital thread ecosystem using open APIs. Access any information and configurations, even remotely with OSLC standard APIs, and automate custom scenarios with our fully documented Java SDK, extending integration to custom domains. Complete examples and snippets are available from our public Git repository.

Improved cross-team collaboration

SECollab streamlines your review process for all the engineering stakeholders. Choose contributors, share access to the review project inside your team or with partners or customers, add comments, share feedback, and let all parts work simultaneously.

Designed to scale for large and complex engineering projects

SECollab facilitates easy access and management, regardless of the number of users or the volume of data​ to handle the demands of large-scale engineering projects, providing robust tools for collaboration, version management, and data integration. 

Security of data

Define and control access to Reviews and Designs in SECollab and open up external gates in total safety. Access is highly restricted and only relevant parts of the project have access to information.

Save time in development process

Version management eliminates the time spent looking for the most current data. The centralized online platform prevents you from losing or scattering information across teams. Everything is at your fingertips!

Maintain high data accuracy

Data accuracy within SECollab ensures you can demonstrate the regulatory compliance of requirements. Data is published and updated automatically, thanks to automated agents with event-based or scheduled import triggers. 

Streamlined Review Process

Assign contributors, tasks, deadlines and objectives more intuitively and in one single place. Reviewers can exchange notes directly on the project which lead to more efficiency and accelerate project delivery. 

Improved cross-team collaboration

SECollab streamlines your review process for all the engineering stakeholders. Choose contributors, share access to the review project inside your team or with partners or customers, add comments, share feedback, and let all parts work simultaneously.

Designed to scale for large and complex engineering projects

SECollab facilitates easy access and management, regardless of the number of users or the volume of data​ to handle the demands of large-scale engineering projects, providing robust tools for collaboration, version management, and data integration. 

Security of data

Define and control access to Reviews and Designs in SECollab and open up external gates in total safety. Access is highly restricted and only relevant parts of the project have access to information.

Save time in development process

Version management eliminates the time spent looking for the most current data. The centralized online platform prevents you from losing or scattering information across teams. Everything is at your fingertips!

Maintain high data accuracy

Data accuracy within SECollab ensures you can demonstrate the regulatory compliance of requirements. Data is published and updated automatically, thanks to automated agents with event-based or scheduled import triggers. 

Streamlined Review Process

Assign contributors, tasks, deadlines and objectives more intuitively and in one single place. Reviewers can exchange notes directly on the project which lead to more efficiency and accelerate project delivery. 


Connect SECollab with your Systems Modeling and ALM tools. SECollab simplifies the process of reviewing designs collaboratively with anyone.

  • IBM® Rational DOORS
  • IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody®
  • IBM Jazz CCM
  • Microsoft® Word™, Excel®, PowerPoint®
  • Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
  • NoMagic MagicDraw
  • PolarSys Capella
  • UNICOM System Architect®
  • Mega HOPEX
  • Atlassian Jira®
  • Siemens Polarion ALM
  • Adobe Acrobat PDF

Can't find the integration or compatibility you need? SECollab's API enables developers to create custom integrations tailored to work with SECollab. Get in touch with us to discuss the specifics.

Product Documentation

Read our Admin and User guides to get you up and running with SECollab.

Customer Support

Reach out to our support team for bugs, new features, or technical support requests on our Customer Support Portal.

SECollab simplifies engineers' work

SECollab is an online collaborative platform for engineering teams looking for ways to improve communication and collaboration to accelerate engineering development projects. From reviewing a PDF to sharing feedback on a Cameo systems model or an IBM DOORS Next requirement project, SECollab streamlines engineering project management, from reviews to demonstrating compliance.

Aggregate Engineering Data and Establish End-to-End Traceability

Consolidate all relevant data, including requirements, designs, tests, changes, and documentation, into a single, unified platform.

  • Aggregate data. Publish documents or model content, including diagrams, into a web platform via flexible endpoints (file, client API, server-to-server), manage configurations, and access shared data from a single access point.

  • Link and connect configured data. Link requirements, architecture, testing, change management, and documentation for end-to-end digital traceability.

  • Accessibility. Control the content to be shared and who will access information.

Manage your Digital Viewpoints in a Configured Environment

SECollab implements effective engineering in the context of multidisciplinary development environments.​

  • Visualize data from various viewpoints. Define various viewpoints and visualize data, diagrams, and collaboration links to maximize the value of your data​.

  • Configure versions locally and globally. Configure your versions of data and links into local and global configurations with components, streams, and baselines, conforming to market standards (OSLC GC)​.

  • Preserve native traceability (ASOT -  Authoritative Source of Truth). All imported asset's information (version, links, source, validity, etc) is preserved in the configuration, and can be identified at any moment on the published resource.

Engineering Review and Proofing

SECollab helps you streamline review processes across engineering teams, suppliers, partners, and tool domains.

  • Proof data, documents, and models. SECollab supports different file formats including Word, PDF, HTML, modeling, DSL, technical format, and more.

  • Share feedback. Add comments and annotations on any artifact in the review, regardless of the tool domain. Manage discussion threads internally or open the platform to partners and customers.

  • File Versioning. Import multiple versions of the same document, and store each version in a central library.

  • Dashboards. Use SECollab Dashboards to centralize and monitor your digital review. Track all comments, findings, and review status using advanced search in tables.

  • Link with your CM system. Formalize your findings and link them directly to your Change Management system (Jira, Polarion, IBM ELM - CCM, etc). When linked, your Model Artefacts are visible directly from the CM system.

Supplier and Customer Collaboration

SECollab helps you cut down review loops, and bring all teams together in a reliable and secure online proofing tool.

  • Share with external collaborators. Invite as many collaborators as you need. They can either register as team members or join as guests without registering.

  • Custom roles. Fully control the content to be shared and who will access the information.

  • Comment on anything. SECollab supports all standard domains (RM/AM, QM, CM) and engineering data types: Requirement modules, Modeling diagrams, QA Artifacts, Documents, and file formats (MS Office Word/Excel/PowerPoint, PDF, DSL, and technical formats), and more.

  • Track progress. Track operations by keeping up with the review activity in real-time, get a view of comments and annotations, and resolve them faster. Each user is notified when they are assigned to a task or when they are tagged in a comment

Compliance and Conformity Assessment

When demonstrating compliance is mandatory, SECollab helps you meet your objective by offering a unified platform that provides visibility and traceability across tool domains.

  • Traceability reports. Create real-time reports that demonstrate traceability between Configuration elements, Requirements, Tests, and Architecture diagrams/elements.​ 

  • Compliance checking. Leverage digital viewpoints to visualize relationships between artifacts.

  • Data traceability. All published data in SECollab includes its native file information (source, version, validity, etc)​ in the configuration, and can be identified at any moment from the published resource.

  • Compliance reports. Export any data or review project from SECollab in PDF, Excel, Word, or HTML format to assist you in demonstrating compliance.

Customize and Administrate you Digital Enterprise Ontology

SECollab brings a no-code approach to configure above standard RM/AM/QM and CM domains unified flexible ontologies to express your custom domain vocabulary (concepts and links). Those semantic concepts allow to aggregate heterogeneous assets and focus the user on real first-rank concepts.

  • Templates can be defined at the server level, shared between projects (and imported/exported to another server).

  • Share digital viewpoints: domain specializations (resource and link types), queries, traceability, coverage and compliance reports, and graphical viewpoints.

  • Designed natively to support OSLC standards: any data is accessible with market standard APIs for external integration.

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Standard Design Review Process for Engineering Projects

17 Dec 2019 | SodiusWillert
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