Embedded UML Advanced Training based on IBM Rhapsody

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This training is a MUST DO for successful use of IBM Rhapsody in real-world projects for development of embedded systems.

What to expect

Attendees of this training should have a basic knowledge of IBM Rhapsody. Topics include proven best-practice approaches for effective code generation, working together in a team, interaction of the code generator with the framework, highlights of the essential add-on IBM Rhapsody TestConductor, choice of architecture, hand-over of requirements by further add-ons, advanced properties, stereotypes, profiles, tags. Without this training, the successful use of IBM Rhapsody in real-world projects for the development of embedded systems is impossible.


  • config management/diff merge
  • test conductor basics
  • meta Struktur des Models
  • Architecture, synchronization/asynchronization, events triggered operations, etc.
  • Advanced properties/Stereotypes/Profiles/Tags
  • Framework basics
  • ReqXChanger/GW Requirements hand-over Basics

Training materials

After the training, attendees will receive access to comprehensive didactically prepared training materials, for use as complete and illustrated reference documentation. Click here for a preview in PDF format.


will be scheduled shortly.

Please contact us for more details.


Online training


German, English


This training course is recommended for those who work in embedded systems projects with IBM Rhapsody.


Embedded UML Start-Up Training

Training code


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