Webinar: Export or Migrate Systems Models to Cameo MagicDraw

By SodiusWillert | 12/01/2021 | Reading time: 1 min

In Aerospace and Defense, some DoD contracts have mandated delivery of MagicDraw/Cameo models. For organizations heavily invested in IBM Rhapsody, IBM Rational Software Architect, or UNICOM Software Architect, this impedes their productivity and quality by an implied mandate of changing tools.

So, when your customer requires models to be delivered in a different tool format such as MagicDraw, a tool in which your organization is not proficient, what can you do?

Watch the replay of our Webinar now!

Join us for a 45-minute introduction to the Sodius MagicDraw Publisher product range. Our Principal Solution Architect, President-Elect of the Michigan Chapter INCOSE, and Product Owner Robin Mikola will show you how you can export your system's models to Cameo MagicDraw in the push of a button using the MagicDraw Publishers.

Robin will explain the journey, criteria for success, rules we followed, and the value of the Publisher solutions.

You’ve done your modeling in Rhapsody (or other tools), and need to meet your contractual needs of delivering in MagicDraw? Sign up to find out how you can do it: watch the replay now!

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