How to Export or Migrate Systems Models to Cameo Systems Modeler or MagicDraw

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Breaking the Systems Modeling tool dependency for MBSE

In Aerospace and Defense, some DoD contracts have mandated delivery of MagicDraw/Cameomodels. For organizations heavily invested in IBM Rhapsody, IBM Rational Software Architect, or UNICOM Software Architect, this impedes their productivity and quality by an implied mandate of changing tools.

So, when your customer requires models to be delivered in a different tool format such as Cameo/MagicDraw, a tool in which your organization is not proficient, what can you do?

In this product tour, we address the pressing need to harness innovative tools that facilitate Digital Engineering adoption within enterprises and support bi-directional workflows for large-scale U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) programs.

Jeff Pilato shares how to streamline engineering efforts, accelerate project delivery, reduce workforce costs, and open new doors for SysML v2 tools by automating system model transformations.

In this product tour, we will:

  • delve into the automatic model transformation from Unicom’s System Architect, Sparx Enterprise Architect, IBM RSA, and IBM Rhapsody into a fully functional Cameo model,
  • discuss new products being released in 2024 including Cameo to Siemens Capital, Cameo to SysML v2, and Rhapsody to SysML v2, both are compatible with IBM’s version of SysML v2.