How to connect Siemens Polarion ALM with Confluence (integration)

By SodiusWillert | 22/02/2022 | Reading time: 2 min

OSLC Connect for Confluence and Siemens Polarion ALM-SodiusWillert

Confluence and Siemens Polarion ALM play unique roles in the engineering enterprise. Project roadmaps, project reviews, action items, and meeting minutes are commonly documented in your Confluence space, while requirements, test cases, or change requests are managed in Siemens Polarion ALM.

These tools are essential and allow Engineers to do their best work every day. But when it comes to sharing, and referencing formal engineering assets in Confluence, this division of information can be disruptive to the engineering flow and can lead to unproductive meetings, incomplete project reviews, or omission of crucial information for the project teams.

Now, there is a simple, secure, and efficient way to share engineering information in Confluence.

OSLC Connect for Confluence makes it easy for teams to embed dynamic engineering references; enabling the preview of real-time information from Siemens Polarion ALM in their Confluence page. It provides the ease of use of Confluence, optimizes information sharing with the formality of Engineering assets, and improves cross-team collaboration.

With the Siemens Polarion ALM OSLC Connect for Confluence plugin, you are able to:

  • Navigate to Siemens Polarion ALM from your Confluence page,
  • Preview your Requirements Document and Tasks from Polarion ALM on your Confluence page,
  • Access real-time information from Polarion ALM in Confluence,
  • Embed existing artifacts from Polarion ALM into your Confluence page or,
  • Create new Polarion ALM artifacts from your Confluence page,
  • Authenticate the user access to artifacts in Confluence.

Get started easily with OSLC Connect for Confluence

Here’s how OSLC Connect for Confluence works:

  1. Go to the OSLC Connect for Confluence listing page on the Atlassian Marketplace.
  2. Click on “Try it free” and install the plugin in your Confluence instance.
  3. Learn more about how to set up OSLC Connect for Confluence here.

New to OSLC? It’s a standard that was built on the powerful concepts of linked data and the web. SodiusWillert’s OSLC Connect products are built using OSLC technology to provide a deep integration of engineering lifecycle applications - making the most complex data integration simple.

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