Sodius Presents General Motors Usage of AUTOSAR Feature Exchange

By Adi | 14/10/2016 | Reading time: 2 min

Nantes French-headquartered product-lifecycle integration company Sodius was invited to speak at the 9th AUTOSAR Open Conference on September 29th, 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The conference hosted a single plenary track for presentations and was attended by over 500 people. The conference was held where Swedish car manufacturer Volvo has its headquarters.
At the conference, members of the Sodius management team were able to present the joint effort of Sodius and General Motors (GM) to foster the use of the AUTOSAR standard for system specification and exchange, in particular to improve the reusability of vehicle software architectures at GM.
Sodius and GM explained how the use of a feature-based variation management approach at system design stage is adequately supported in AUTOSAR. Furthermore, they explained that the approach enables engineers to use variants of conceptual car models to manage variation points in the vehicle software architecture. In turn, the approach enables cost reduction and optimizes interactions with suppliers around car software design and implementation.

More information and the presentation is available at

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