Convert SPARX Enterprise Architect models into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models
Convert IBM Rhapsody models into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models
Convert Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models into IBM Rhapsody models
Convert IBM Rational Software Architect models into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models
Convert UNICOM System Architect models into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) models
Model-based model-to-model transformation in Rhapsody
Connect ReqIF Compatible Requirements data to your Modeling Environment
UML-based Software Development for AUTOSAR Classic Platform
Unlock the benefits of UML modeling for Software Development
Leverage the full scope of UML for Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems
Simplify UML-based development of certification-ready source code
This training course explores the history of SysML and its usage for system design using IBM Rhapsody as a graphical tool environment.
If you are already using or planning to use formal languages and supporting tools for model-based development of high-quality systems and software, this is the right course for you. We will focus on both the theoretical background of the modeling language SysML and how a graphical tool can help working with SysML. Furthermore, we will cover quality assurance topics and discuss model execution for testing purposes, including automating model execution during test runs.
This training is useful to prepare for the introduction of IBM Rational Rhapsody. futhermore, it can help you make a decision whether model-driven software development based on a graphical tool can be deliver the expected benefits in your project.
Online training
Introduction to the history, topics and terminology of SysML. The diagrams and model elements of SysML are introduced, those important for system modeling are discussed in detail and explained by means of an example.
Rhapsody user interface and model browser mode of operation, content and, structure, diagram window, feature window, model elements, creating and deleting in a browser, diagrams, creating and deleting model elements, layout, display options, navigation in the model, handling relevant information in non-SysML notation, saving the model in the file system, target languages, important differences between Rhapsody in C and C++.
Creating projects, creating blocks, creating variables and operations, defining actions in the operations, defining state machines, traceability tables and matrices, test code generation, integration to a compiler, simulation of the model.
Sodius SAS
34 Boulevard du Maréchal A. Juin
44100 Nantes, France
Sodius Corp
418 N. Main Street 2nd Floor/Suite 200,
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Willert Software Tools GmbH
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418 N. Main Street 2nd Floor/Suite 200,
Royal Oak, MI 48067, USA
+1 (248) 270-2950
Sodius SAS
34 Boulevard du Maréchal A. Juin
44100 Nantes, France
+33 (0)2 28 23 60 60
Willert Software Tools GmbH
Hannoversche Str. 21,
31675 Bückeburg, Germany
+49 5722 - 9678 60
With a unified vision, Sodius and Willert together execute on their mission to enable the thread of engineering through enterprise integration of engineering data. Both companies bring a unique yet complementary background of technology, expertise, and experience into a centralized brand to connect the engineering information that drives today’s complex and regulated products.
418 N. Main Street 2nd Floor/Suite 200,
Royal Oak, MI 48067, USA
+1 (248) 270-2950
Sodius SAS
34 Boulevard du Maréchal A. Juin
44100 Nantes, France
+33 (0)228 236 060
Willert Software Tools GmbH
Hannoversche Str. 21,
31675 Bückeburg, Germany
+49 5722 - 9678 60