Webinar: Migrating from DOORS to DOORS Next, what to expect?

By SodiusWillert | 3/06/2021 | Reading time: 1 min

Migrating requirements without losing data may be a challenging task for most companies, and working at your team’s speed to make the migration can sometimes be difficult.

The Migration Toolkit for DOORS provides a bridge from your legacy in DOORS to DOORS Next. It allows you to flexibly map the assets in DOORS Classic to DOORS Next. Data arrives in DOORS Next in your new structure and schema enabling a unique view of your designs.

Yes, migrations and mappings can be complicated. Unless it is with the Migration Toolkit for DOORS.

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Join Robert for this live webinar and learn what you can expect when migrating from DOORS to DOORS Next with the Migration Toolkit for DOORS. 

Robin will show you how to retain the value of your DOORS requirements while targeting your next-generation architecture in DNG, and migrate data retaining your module structure, embedded files, tables, links, and formatting all while filtering out content no longer desired.

Ready to speed your adoption of the features of DOORS Next by migrating your requirements from DOORS to DOORS Next? Watch the replay here.

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