Automate time-wasting engineering tasks with MDWorkbench

Increase productivity and maximize the value of models produced from any application or data sources with MDWorkbench. Create Java applications that can read and write external data.


MDWorkbench Features

MDWorkbench provides users with an efficient Java programming environment to define any model transformation using a set of complex rules expressed in Java.

Model Transformation

  • Handle Multiple Proprietary Formats
    MDWorkbench is used in conjunction with the family of MDAccess connectors to allow designers access to a multitude of proprietary formats.
  • Define Complex Transformation Rules
    Model transformation rules are written in standard Java in MDWorkbench, with the help of a series of new Classes that allow users to specify sophisticated transformations between formats.
  • Debug, Validate and Deploy
    Because MDWorkbench is based on the Eclipse IDE, model transformation rules are easily debugged using production-ready tools and users can easily deploy industrial-strength data transformation executables across their companies.

Code Generation

MDWorkbench supports iterative development cycles by preserving user-defined code fragments when regenerating files.

  • Text Template
    A text template specifies the information, source code, or other text to generate in a given file as well as the name of the file. Using WYSIWYG layout capabilities, any text document is easily generated.
  • Dynamic Text
    Text templates can define place holders replaced at runtime by information from the model.
  • Protect Hand-Written Code
    Protected tags can be used to define user code areas preserved in the generated files, allowing iterative development lifecycles.

Read more about MDWorkbench on the blog

How to Build Custom Model Interchange Solutions

9 Feb 2016 | SodiusWillert
See all articles

Design Interoperability Tools for Defense Architecture Frameworks

12 Jan 2012 | SodiusWillert

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