Stop manually recreating your system's models in Cameo Systems Modeler. With Publisher, you can seamlessly convert UML, SysML, DoDAF, UPDM (and more) system model designs from different modeling tools into Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw) at the push of a button.
Save months—or even years—of engineering time, and focus on what really matters: innovating, designing, and delivering superior systems. Stay on top of systems modeling with our efficient and reliable converters, designed to facilitate the exchange of systems designs between leading modeling software tools.
Realize the vision of tool flexibility and achieve full interoperability between:
Prepare your IBM Rhapsody, IBM Rational Software Architect, UNICOM System Architect, or Cameo Systems Modeler models.
The Publisher is a stand-alone plugin for IBM Rhapsody, IBM RSA, and UNICOM System Architect. Be sure to have administrator rights on the computer the plugin will be installed in your preferred tool.
Once launched, the plugin will process the conversion for you. Within a few minutes, you will have access to a fully functional model reusable in your target tool.
Publisher for Rhapsody publishes complete Rhapsody SysML/ UML/ UPDM2 models to reuse in Cameo Systems Modeler and Cameo MagicDraw format at the push of a button.
Publisher for Rhapsody - Cameo Importer converts and exports complete UML, SysML, or UPDM Cameo Systems Modeler models into a compatible IBM Rhapsody file format.
Publisher for SPARX Enterprise Architect publishes complete UML and SysML models to Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw), including diagrams in the push of a button.
Publisher for System Architect (SA) publishes complete Unicom System Architect® DoDAF Version 2.0 models to MagicDraw™ UPDM™ Version 2.1 models to MagicDraw/Cameo in the push of a button.
Publisher for Rational Software Architect (RSA) publishes complete RSA UML or UPIA models to MagicDraw/Cameo, including diagrams in the push of a button.
SodiusWillert Publisher plugins deliver fast and fully automated systems modeling transformation solutions including model elements, model diagrams, configurable diagram defaults, script transformation abilities, and more.
Save months or years of critical engineering resources converting and validating re-written models. Automate the exchange of models between your systems modeling tools and meet industry standards within minutes with SodiusWillert Publisher plugins.
Manually migrating data from one systems modeling tool to another can be prone to error. The Publisher plugins accurately migrate model elements, diagrams, and layouts created in your preferred model tool to your target tool.
Building complex UML, SysML, or UPDM models and correctly recreating them into a different tool can take engineering teams months or even years to complete. Automate the conversion from one systems modeling tool to another and significantly reduce your development costs!
No manual work or cleanup is needed by leveraging user-configurable settings and display styling.
Model checking is implemented to identify, log, and report inconsistencies in the source model with the potential to cause rework or cleanup in the target model (maintains or typically improves model quality).
Models can be manually changed after publish and export.
Same form and function model, but in a different tool.
"By leveraging the MagicDraw Publisher for Rhapsody, the total time to export the end-customer deliverable was less than two hours."
“The Publisher for Rhapsody quickly enabled us to automate the migration from Rhapsody UML models to Cameo/MagicDraw SysML models.”
“We like it, and the management is very pleased. Redoing an entire model that months were spent on because of tool changes, would have been a huge waste of resources.”
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